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From the Desk of the Secretary

2 Sep 2023 3:00 PM | Kemi Oyebade (Administrator)

From the Desk of the Secretary

By: Sondra Nunez, NFBPWC Secretary 2022-2024

As our family continues to navigate the CA foster care system, I have been spending time doing as much research as possible to educate myself and others about the realities surrounding children in need of help. The below information is taken from the FCCA (Family Connections Christian Adoptions) website.

Five Important California Foster Care Statistics

1. California makes up about 7% of the number of kids in foster care nationwide.

California, one of the most densely populated in the United States, faces unique challenges when it comes to foster care. The scale of the state's population alone contributes significantly to the foster care numbers in California. In fact, California accounts for approximately 7% of children in foster care nationwide. This statistic highlights the immense need for support and resources within the state's child welfare system.

By providing a range of adoption services, including foster-to-adopt programs, home studies and post-placement support, FCCA ensures that prospective families are equipped with the necessary tools and guidance throughout the adoption process.

2. Roughly 4,000 children age out of foster care in California every year.

When children age out of the foster care system in California, they face a daunting transition into adulthood without the stability and support typically provided by a family. The consequences of aging out can be severe and long-lasting. Without the safety net of a permanent home or a reliable support system, these young adults often experience challenges in various aspects of life.

They may struggle to find stable housing, pursue higher education, secure gainful employment and maintain good physical and mental health. So, when you think about children in foster care statistics in California, it’s important to recognize the significance of providing children with the necessary resources and support to thrive as they navigate the challenges of adulthood.

3. On average, children and teens stay in the foster care system for 12-20 months.

Children and teens often stay in the foster care system for extended periods due to various factors and complexities. The primary goal of foster care is to ensure the safety and well-being of children while their birth families receive the necessary support and services to address the issues that led to their removal.

During their time in foster care, children and teens undergo a comprehensive assessment of their family situation, including evaluations of parental fitness and efforts toward reunification. This process requires time to gather evidence, conduct investigations and provide opportunities for birth parents to address the concerns that led to their children's placement.

While efforts are made to expedite permanency for children, ensuring their safety and well-being remains paramount, and this often means they need to stay in foster care for an extended period. FCCA's fos-adopt program plays a significant role in reducing the number of kids in foster care. Our program combines foster care with the goal of adoption, providing a unique pathway to permanency for waiting children.

4. There’s been a drop in the number of kids in foster care in recent years.

While there has been a decline in the number of kids in foster care, it is important to recognize the impact COVID-19 had on the foster care system. The COVID-19 pandemic had far-reaching effects, including the closure of schools and a reduction of in-person interactions with mandatory reporters, such as teachers and counselors, who play a crucial role in identifying children that were being abused or neglected.

With remote learning and limited opportunities for face-to-face interactions, there is concern that cases of child abuse and neglect may have gone undetected or unreported during this period. Therefore, the decrease in the number of kids in foster care may not necessarily mean an improvement in child welfare but rather a lack of awareness due to the limitations of the pandemic.

5. There are 60,000 children in California waiting for a loving family.

In California, there are approximately 60,000 children in the foster care system, and 15,386 are waiting to find a loving and nurturing family through adoption. These children, who have experienced the trauma of separation from their birth families, long for the stability, support and care that a permanent home can provide. 

NFBPWC National Board Meeting:

Date: October 17, 2023

Time: 5PM Pacific, 6PM Mountain, 7PM Central, 8PM Eastern

Time zone tool: Convert Time Zone Instantly | Time Difference Calculator

Main Topic: Legacy, Leadership, and Succession Planning

We will be sending an email requesting a written report from each officer, committee chair, and affiliate president. Please be prepared to submit your written report by October 1, 2023 to

Meeting agenda (tentative/advanced):  10.17.2023 NFBPWC Board of Directors Meeting Agenda.pdf

All members are welcome and guests are encouraged for this Board of Directors meeting. We continue to highlight this term's theme to "Cultivate Connections, Create Community" with the focus issue of Women on the Move.

Verbal report question for Board of Directors and Leaders:

What kind of support do emerging leaders get in our organization? And/or what is missing? How can we build talent and leadership from within NFBPWC?

Board of Directors Report Templates:

Executive Committee only:

2022-24 BOD Meeting 5 - Executive Committee Report.docx

NFBPWC Affiliate/Federation Presidents only:

2022-24 BOD Meeting 5 - Affiliate-Federation President Report.docx

NFBPWC Committee/Special Committee/Taskforce Chairs only:

2022-24 BOD Meeting 5 - Committee Report.docx

  • Zoom details to be sent after registration.

  • BPW International Theme 2021-2024:  New Actions through Cooperation

Equal Participation of Women and Men in Power and Decision-Making Roles.

NFBPWC is a national organization with membership across the United States acting locally, nationally and globally. NFBPWC is not affiliated with BPW/USA Foundation.

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