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Entrepreneur & Small Business Blog

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  • 1 Jan 2025 12:45 PM | Kemi Oyebade (Administrator)

    By: Marsha Riibner-Cady, NFBPWC Entrepreneur and Small Business Committee Chair (2022-2026) Barbara Bozeman, Co-Chair 

    At our December 11, 2024, meeting we had our first ever virtual holiday office party! We celebrated with festive  attire, beverages and a snacks. The best part is that we didn’t have to leave the comfort of our own homes! 

    To kick the new year off, Nicole Callendar will focus on hiring for smaller businesses on January 8, 2025, at 8 pm. 

    At the February 12, 2025, meeting we will feature Cynthia Oliver with Small Business Development Center  (SBDC) Duquesne University. She will share information on how to complete your women’s business  certification. 

    On March 11, 2025, Steve Wachnowsky, the Chair of the SCORE Blue Ridge Chapter, will give us an overview of  SCORE and how your local chapter can help your business. 

    Please register for our meetings at 

    Is your business listed on our page on the website? 

    It’s time to get it done, go to please remember to  send a copy of your logo to 

    Don’t forget to find us at: 

    ESB Page - 

    Blog Post - 

    NFBPWC FB - 

    NFBPWC Marketplace 

    Happy Holidays to you and yours!

  • 1 Dec 2024 12:50 PM | Kemi Oyebade (Administrator)

    By: Marsha Riibner-Cady & Barbara Bozeman
    NFBPWC Entrepreneur and Small Business Committee Chair & Barbara Bozeman, Co-Chair (2022-2026)

    On November 13, 2024, Alexa and Christina presented “Schedule C and how it Effects your Business.” It was a wonderfully informative presentation where everyone got the opportunity to ask the experts questions. Thank you both for your time and sharing your knowledge.

    Our next meeting will be on December 11, 2024. It’s our holiday office party! Wear your festive attire, bring a beverage and a snack to virtually share with us as we celebrate the season. Please register for our meeting at

    Is your business listed on our page on the website?

    It’s time to get it done, go to and please remember to send a copy of your logo to

    Don’t forget to find us at:

    • ESB Page -
    • Blog Post -
    • NFBPWC FB -
    • NFBPWC Marketplace

    Happy Holidays to you and yours!

  • 1 Nov 2024 12:40 PM | Kemi Oyebade (Administrator)

    By: Marsha Riibner-Cady & Barbara Bozeman
    NFBPWC Entrepreneur and Small Business Committee Chair & Co-Chair (2022-2026)

    The Entrepreneur and Small Business Committee wants to thank Richard Longo, Director of Duquesne  University Palumbo-Donahue School of Business. He gave us an amazing presentation overviewing business  plans at our October meeting. To reach out to Richard for more information please contact him at  

    Our next meeting will be on November 13, 2024 at 8 pm Eastern. Alexandria Jackson Ward will present “Schedule  C and More, Information on Taxes and how they Impact your Business” 

    Here is some information about Alexandria: 

    Alexandria Jackson Ward is a mom, wife, banker, and tax professional. She currently  lives in upstate New York with her husband, daughter, and dog. She is a senior  adjustor at the 16th largest bank in New York State and she also works for an American  multinational business software company where she teaches a variety of tax topics.  She currently serves as the treasurer at her church. When she is not counting or  teaching, she loves to cook. 

    Alexandria holds degrees from Argosy and Penn State University. She is certified and  credentialed to prepare taxes in more than 40 states and territories. She is currently  spending the most time designing a training for 15k new tax professionals which starts  in January 2025. 

    Please register for our meeting at 

    It’s November, a time to reflect and be thankful. WE are Thankful for you! Thank you, Thank you, Thank  you… 

    The ESB committee would like to take this opportunity to thank several of our presenters from the past year and  encourage you to visit their websites: 

    Jon Hott from the Hampshire WV Economic Development Council explained the program their county  presented “Hampshire on the Horizon.” 

    Dacy Pyle participated in our introduction of the business pitch program, she is the co-owner of Mountain  State Firewood. Welcome aboard, Dacy who has joined our NC club! Richard Longo, Director of Duquesne University Palumbo-Donahue School of Business. He gave us an  overview of business plans. 

    Brooke Burns, presented “Unleash the Power of LinkedIn: Elevate Your Personal and Professional Brand,  Introduction to AI, and Neuropraphic Art Session neuro coaching/ 

    Marcy Stahl presented Claim Your Genius: Build Your Business on Your Superpowers to Generate More  Impact, Income and Success! 

    NFBPWC President Barbara Bozeman who provided her expertise on elevator pitches and other  programs, 


    Is your business listed on our page on the website? 

    It’s time to get it done, go to please remember to  send a copy of your logo to

    Don’t forget to find us at: 

    ESB Page - 

    Blog Post - 

    NFBPWC FB - 

    NFBPWC Marketplace
  • 1 Oct 2024 12:40 PM | Kemi Oyebade (Administrator)

    By: Marsha Riibner-Cady
    NFBPWC Entrepreneur and Small Business Committee Chair (2022-2026)

    Our programming this year is focusing on our “Business Pitch”  

    Our meeting on September 11, 2024, was at 8 pm Eastern via Zoom. We shared links to websites on resources for  your small business. Contact us if you were unable to attend and would like the information. 

    On October 9, 2024, at 8 pm Eastern, our guest speaker is Rich Longo, Director of Duquesne University Palumbo Donahue School of Business. He will give us an overview of business plans. Please go to www.nfbpwc.orgevents to register.  

    Here is his Bio: Rich Longo, R.N. FACHE, FACMPE, CTC, is the Director of Duquesne  University Palumbo-Donahue School of Business - Small Business Development Center  (SBDC) where he assists new and existing businesses in the areas of business plan  development: financial forecasting/financial statement development: marketing strategy  and implementation plans. Rich is also certified in Technology Commercialization. 

    Previous positions held include Owner/CEO of RIOL; LLC a boutique consulting firm  specializing in Group Medical Practice Management, Pay for Performance, Accountable  Care Organizations (ACO’S), and Productivity and Quality Outcomes-based physician based compensation and Senior Vice President, Network Management for Devon Health  Services, Inc. King of Prussia, PA, one of the largest regional PPOs in the Northeast. 

    Rich has also served as adjunct faculty at Robert Morris University and the University of Pittsburgh. He received  his Bachelor’s degree in Nursing (cum laude) from Duquesne University and a Master’s Degree (magna cum  laude) from the University of Pittsburgh. 

    Rich Longo was named distinguished alumni in the School of Nursing in 2021. 

    Upcoming meetings: 

    November 13, we will have a tax specialist on hand to let us know more about preparing for the end of the  year. 

    December 10, will be our holiday office party which will include festive attire and bring a beverage and  snack with the recipe to share! 

    January 8, Nicole Sedon will be discussing “Human Resources for Small Businesses.” Future plans include a representative from SCORE to share that resource and much more!!!! 

    We are looking for folks with expertise in all areas of business as participants, sponsors, and presenters to  participate in our Business Pitch program. Are you interested in participating or presenting? How about a 5 or  10 minute pitch of your business at our meeting? Please contact your small business committee at 

    Did you know…That there are 109 folks who identify on our website as having a business but are not listed on  our ESB Business Page? Do you have an Entrepreneur or Small Business owner in your club? Please ask them  to reach out to us at Our submission form for the website is:

    Here are 2 women owned businesses  

    that we visited: 

    Right: President Barbara Bozeman with“Sew-lebrity”, Cheryl Slaboda. Cheryl Sleboda is

      an award-winning art quilter, lecturer, traveling teacher, and business owner. 

    Barbara met Cheryl when visiting Cheryl’s brick and mortar store:  

    Muppin’s Sewing Emporium in Paducah, Kentucky. 

    Left: Marsha is shown with her hairdresser Hunter Owen of Style DiVita of Kitty Hawk  and Elizabeth City, NC.  

    Upcoming dates to celebrate: 

    National Businesswomen’s Week is October 20-26, 2024 

    It’s not too late to get a proclamation for NBWW. Below is a suggested template. Let us know if you have  done this in your community by October 27, 2024. to 


    October 20-26, 2024 



    WHEREAS, working women constitute 76 million, or almost half, of the nation's workforce and strive to  serve their communities, their states, and their nation in professional, civic and cultural  capacities; and 

    WHEREAS, women-owned businesses account for 19.9% percent of all U.S. business, generating $1.9 trillion  in sales and employing $10.1 million people; and 

    WHEREAS, working women should be applauded for their contributions to the workplace and the financial  stability of their families especially during the economic downturn when more women have  become their family’s breadwinner; and  

    WHEREAS, the major goal of the National Federation of Business and Professional Women’s Clubs, Inc is to  promote equity for all women and to help create better conditions for working women through  the study and advocacy of social, educational and economic issues impacting women in the  workplace; and 

    WHEREAS, since 1928, National Business Women's Week® has honored the contributions of working  women and employers who support working women and their families. 

    WHEREAS, {something about your organization can be added here}. 

    Therefore, I, {name of Mayor or leader}, Mayor of the City of {city name}, by the authority vested in me, do  hereby proclaim October 20-26, 2024,


    This event is sponsored by the National Federation of Business and Professional Women’s Clubs, Inc. I urge all  citizens, businesses, and community organizations in {city, state} to join this salute to working women.  Encourage and promote the celebration of the achievements of all working women as they contribute daily to  our economic, civic, and cultural goals and livelihood. 

    Looking forward to seeing you at our next meeting on October 9, 2024, at 8 pm Eastern. 

  • 2 Sep 2024 1:00 PM | Kemi Oyebade (Administrator)

    By: Marsha Riibner-Cady
    NFBPWC Entrepreneur and Small Business Committee Chair (2022-2026) 

    At our August 14, 2024, meeting we kicked off our “Business Pitch” program with guest speakers JD Hott from  the Hampshire WV Economic Development Council and Dacy Pyle business owner. Thank you for sharing your  knowledge with us. Dacy will be helping us with our “Business Pitch” program. Welcome aboard, Dacy!  

    Our meeting on September 11, 2024 will be at 8 pm Eastern via Zoom. Please go to events to  register. At that meeting we will start with an overview of business plans. We are looking for folks with expertise  in all areas of business as participants, sponsors, and presenters to participate in this program. Are you interested  in participating or presenting? Please contact your small business committee at 

    NATIONAL BUSINESS WOMEN’S WEEK® is October 20-26, 2024. Below in our resources section of this article  is a sample proclamation that we encourage you share with your elected officials. Please be sure to let us know  where this “proclaimed” in your community. Pictures are always welcome. 

    Is your business listed on our page on the website? 

    It’s time to get it done, go to please remember to  send a copy of your logo to 

    Upcoming dates to celebrate: 

    National Business Women’s Day is on September 22nd, American Business Women's Day honors the  accomplishments of the businesswomen across the nation. Take a moment to reflect on the contributions  and achievements of the millions of women in the workforce. Also, consider the impact of millions of  women business owners in the U.S. 

    Action plan, we challenge you to visit as many women owned businesses in your area, get a picture  with the owner and invite her to one of your local club meetings and an ESB meeting. Send your  pictures to with a brief description. Deadline for pictures will be  September 25, 2024. 

    National Businesswomen’s Week is October 20-26, 2024 

    NATIONAL BUSINESS WOMEN'S WEEK HISTORY: Lean Madesin Phillips, president of the  National Federation of Business and Professional Women's Clubs (NFBPWC), launched the first  National Business Women's Week in 1928. It wasn't until 1938 that the week was officially recognized  and celebrated every year since.  

    What does your club do for NBWW? Do you need help providing your local mayor or governor with  a proclamation for the month? Please reach out to us at 

    Action Plan, have a proclamation read at your local city council meeting and make local officials  aware of and supporting women owned businesses and women in business. Let us know you  accomplished this task so we can add it to our November magazine article. Submissions to by October 27, please. 


    The Women’s Business Collaborative is holding an “Action for Impact” virtual event on September 25,  2024, at 10 am Eastern. Here is some information on the event:  

    Join us on September 25, 2024, at 10:00 AM EDT for WBC’s Annual Action for Impact Summit as we  unite thousands of attendees on a fully interactive platform, enabling participants to network, connect,  and exchange ideas, innovations, and impact in real-time. Join us as we present the 2024 CEO Excellence 

    WWW.NFBPWC.ORGPage 17 


    in Gender Equity and Diversity Awards and the WBC Trailblazer in Gender Equity and Diversity  Awards. Please click on this link for details: impact-summit/ 


    October 20-26, 2024 



    WHEREAS, working women constitute 76 million, or almost half, of the nation's workforce and strive to  serve their communities, their states, and their nation in professional, civic and cultural  capacities; and 

    WHEREAS, women-owned businesses account for 19.9% percent of all U.S. business, generating $1.9 trillion  in sales and employing $10.1 million people; and 

    WHEREAS, working women should be applauded for their contributions to the workplace and the financial  stability of their families especially during the economic downturn when more women have  become their family’s breadwinner; and  

    WHEREAS, the major goal of the National Federation of Business and Professional Women’s Clubs, Inc is to  promote equity for all women and to help create better conditions for working women through  the study and advocacy of social, educational and economic issues impacting women in the  workplace; and 

    WHEREAS, since 1928, National Business Women's Week® has honored the contributions of working  women and employers who support working women and their families. 

    WHEREAS, {something about your organization can be added here}. 

    Therefore, I, {name of Mayor or leader}, Mayor of the City of {city name}, by the authority vested in me, do  hereby proclaim October 20-26, 2024, 


    This event is sponsored by the National Federation of Business and Professional Women’s Clubs, Inc. I urge all  citizens, businesses, and community organizations in {city, state} to join this salute to working women.  Encourage and promote the celebration of the achievements of all working women as they contribute daily to  our economic, civic, and cultural goals and livelihood. 

    Looking forward to seeing you at our next meeting on September 11, 2024, at 8 pm Eastern

  • 1 Aug 2024 1:10 PM | Kemi Oyebade (Administrator)

    By: Marsha Riibner-Cady
    NFBPWC Entrepreneur and Small Business Committee Chair (2022-2026) I’m Back! 

    Yes, I have agreed to continue to chair the Entrepreneur and Small Business Committee for another 2 years.  President Barbara will also be contributing as she is also a small business owner.  As part of the NFBPWC Club, I hope you will consider joining us on a regular basis for our Entrepreneur and Small Business Committee meetings on the second Wednesday of each month at 8 pm Eastern (a time change to accommodate the folks in the Pacific time zone).  These meetings are open to NFBPWC members and guests.  You don’t have to be a small business owner or entrepreneur to attend the meetings, we welcome everyone! 

    Our upcoming program plans are to run our very own “Shark Tank” type of event.  We are looking for sponsors to provide prizes for this event.  Are you interested in registering to be a participant?  Contact your small business committee at 

    We will provide trainings each month on a variety of topics including, but not limited to: 

    “What do I have to do to legally start a business, is there really this much paperwork?” (Looking for a lawyer to help with this or someone from the Small Business Association) 

    “How to balance the books, information on business bookkeeping methods and how to set them up” (Looking for someone to give us the pros and cons on Quickbooks and other accounting software 

    “How do I get the word out about my business?” (Need someone to give us a brief overview of marketing options on a tight budget) 

    “Pitching methods, how to tell folks about your business in a concise and articulate manner.”  

    “Help me get some help for my business!” (Looking for an HR professional who could help us understand the correct/legal questions to ask a potential new hire) 

    If you are interested in attending and or sharing your expertise in this program or have an idea of a program for the ESB committee, please contact Marsha at

    Thank you, Thank you, Thank you… 

    I would like to take this opportunity to thank several of our presenters from the past year and encourage you to visit their websites: 

    Brooke Burns, 

    Marcy Stahl, 

    Jean McDonald, 

    Jo Naylor, 

    And last, but never least 

    NFBPWC President Barbara Bozeman who provided her expertise on elevator pitches and other programs, WE got a thank you! 

    President Barbara and I were each presented with a Nike for our work with the ESB committee by Past National President Sandy Thompson at the General Assembly in July.  We want to thank Sandy for attending so many of our meetings and are honored to be recognized for our service. 

    Pictured is Marsha’s Nike! 

    I want to thank our new NFBPWC secretary, Nermin, for sharing these events with me: 

    Wells Fargo Equitable Access Boost Camp 

    Could your business use a little boost? We’ve got just the thing to help you level up. Apply now to our exclusive Wells Fargo Equitable Access Boost Camp, presented in partnership with the Global Entrepreneurship Network (GEN)! Over the course of 12 weeks, you’ll get access to expert-led sessions, education, mentorship, a peer support network, and so much more. If you’re a small business owner ready to fuel growth and learn from the experts, apply to one of the 500 coveted spots in this immersive accelerator today!  

    There is no cost to apply. Applications are open now through August 16, 2024 at 6PM ET. 

    We are looking into this program being presented to the ESB committee.  More on that as soon… 

    The Women’s Business Collaborative is holding an “Action for Impact” virtual event on September 25, 2024, at 10 am Eastern.  Here is some information on the event:  

    Join us on September 25, 2024, at 10:00 AM EDT for WBC’s Annual Action for Impact Summit as we unite thousands of attendees on a fully interactive platform, enabling participants to network, connect, and exchange ideas, innovations, and impact in real-time. Join us as we present the 2024 CEO Excellence in Gender Equity and Diversity Awards and the WBC Trailblazer in Gender Equity and Diversity Awards.  Please click on this link for details: 

    Is your business listed on our page on the website? 

    It’s time to get it done, go to please remember to send a copy of your logo to  Upcoming dates to celebrate: 

    • National Business Women’s Day is on September 22nd, American Business Women's Day honors the accomplishments of the businesswomen across the nation. Take a moment to reflect on the contributions and achievements of the millions of women in the workforce. Also, consider the impact of millions of women business owners in the U.S. 

    Action plan, we challenge you to visit as many women-owned businesses in your area, get a picture with the owner and invite her to one of your local club meetings and an ESB meeting.  Send your pictures to with a brief description. Deadline for pictures will be September 25, 2024. 

    • National Businesswomen’s Week is October 20-26, 2024 

    NATIONAL BUSINESS WOMEN'S WEEK HISTORY:  Lean Madesin Phillips, president of the National Federation of Business and Professional Women's Clubs (NFBPWC), launched the first National Business Women's Week in 1928. It wasn't until 1938 that the week was officially recognized and celebrated every year since.  

    What does your club do for NBWW?  Do you need help providing your local mayor or governor with a proclamation for the month?  Please reach out to us at 

    Action Plan, have a proclamation read at your local city council meeting and make local officials aware of and supporting women owned businesses and women in business. Let us know you accomplished this task so we can add it to our November magazine article.  Submissions to by October 27, please. 

    Looking forward to seeing you at our next meeting on August 14, 2024 at 8 pm Eastern Time. 

  • 1 Jul 2024 1:05 PM | Kemi Oyebade (Administrator)

    From  NFBPWC Entrepreneur and  Small Business Committee 

    (Marsha Riibner-Cady – Chair / Barbara Bozeman Vice-Chair) 


    What are you doing in July? 

    Well, Marsha and I are getting ready to  

    get down to business  

    at the 2024 Biennial General Assembly in King of Prussia, Pennsylvania.  

    We sure hope to see you there!   




    Well done everyone who invested their hour with us in June! 

    On June 12th – the always insightful extra fabulous Business Coach, Brooke Burns returned for another terrific program: 

    Unleash the Power of LinkedIn: Elevate Your Personal and Professional Brand If you weren’t with us, you sure missed out! 

    Brooke took us through 

    Crafting a Magnetic Headline 

    Maximizing the “About Section 

    Endorsements and Recommendations and Effective Networking Strategies 

    Thank you Brooke Burns! 

    and thank you to those who joined us. 


    Contact Brooke via LinkedIn 


    ESB Page - 

    Blog Post - 


    NFBPWC Marketplace -     


    Register at: 

  • 3 Jun 2024 1:00 PM | Kemi Oyebade (Administrator)

    NFBPWC Entrepreneur and  Small Business Committee
    (Marsha Riibner-Cady – Chair / Barbara Bozeman Vice-Chair) 



    What are you doing in June? 

    Invest an hour with us on June 12th, as we welcome Brooke Burns for: 

    Unleash the Power of LinkedIn: 

    Elevate Your Personal and Professional Brand 

    If you are like many people, you might have used LinkedIn as a job search tool. But have you used it to support your business activities or amplify your personal and professional brand? Join us on Wednesday, June 12 at 7 pm, as Business Coach, Brooke Burns, guides you through several strategies to maximize your LinkedIn reach and effectiveness. In this engaging session, Brooke will discuss: 

    • Crafting a Magnetic Headline: Learn how to create a compelling LinkedIn headline that captures attention and highlights your unique value. 

    • Maximizing the 'About' Section: Transform your 'About' section into a powerful narrative that offers value and connects with your target audience.   

    • The Power of Endorsements and Recommendations: Understand the strategic importance of endorsements and recommendations.  

    • Effective Networking Strategies: Build and nurture a strong LinkedIn network with personalized connection requests and engaging with your connections’ posts,   

    Don’t miss this opportunity to learn more about maximizing your LinkedIn profile to increase your visibility and connections for your business.  


    Well done everyone who invested their hour with us in May!  

    On May 8th, ESB welcomed Marcy Stahl as she presented: 

    Claim Your Genius: 

    Build Your Business on Your Superpowers to Generate More Impact, Income and Success! 

    Not only was this a fabulous program, but we welcomed Marcy Stahl as a new member of Virtual Club.   

    ESB Page - 

    Blog Post - 

    NFBPWC FB - 

    NFBPWC Marketplace  - 

  • 1 May 2024 12:55 PM | Kemi Oyebade (Administrator)

    By: Marsha Riibner-Cady – Chair, and Barbara Bozeman – Vice Chair 

    From NFBPWC Entrepreneur and   Small Business Committee 

    (Marsha Riibner-Cady – Chair / Barbara Bozeman ViceChair)  

    Join us on May 8th, as ESB welcomes Marcy Stahl for: 

    Claim Your Genius: Build Your Business on 

    Your Superpowers to Generate More Impact, Income and Success! 

    Would you buy skin care with NO label? Of course not! 

    So don’t ask your clients to buy “unlabeled” services or products from you either. 

    It’d be wonderful if your work came out of you with a clear inviting description, of who & how it helps and how often to use it. 

    But you and your work DON’T come with a prefilled label. 

    Instead, *you* have to create that description. 


    The first step in sorting this out is to get really clear on your unique business superpowers, aka your kind of genius. 






    Our April program was just amazing.  

    During this 1 hour program on April 10th, we worked together to come up with concise and engaging commentaries for our businesses 

    We embraced the Patrick Dang Formula as we worked through a few writing sessions.   

    “I help “X”, achieve “Y”, while doing “Z” X = audience / Y = value / Z = How ESB: 

    We help NFBPWC members improve their business and professional experiences by providing quality relevant programming in a monthly online format. 


    I make it easy for you to connect to your next adventure and become versed in unique Pennsylvanian experiences. 


    I help clients create lifetime memories for any occasion, big or small, with beautiful personalize gifts. 


    I support clients to achieve mental stability and functioning through therapy and medication management. 


    I entertain audiences with my music and make them happy while having fun engaging with something for everyone. 


    I help you learn to save lives by learning CPR and First Aid at my hands-on classes. 


    I help families achieve peace of mind while pre-planning their burial needs. 

    Well done everyone who invested this hour with us! 

    Be sure to check out the NFBPWC Entrepreneur & Small Business (ESB) Committee page on the website, and the Blog Page for NFBPWC, as well as the NFBPWC Facebook page(s), and the NFBPWC Marketplace page.   

    ESB Page - 

    Blog Post - 

    NFBPWC FB -   

    NFBPWC Marketplace  - 

    Marsha Riibner-Cady – Chair Barbara Bozeman – Vice Chair 

  • 1 Apr 2024 1:05 PM | Kemi Oyebade (Administrator)

    By: Marsha Riibner-Cady – Chair, and Barbara Bozeman – Vice Chair  




    In honor of Women’s History Month, you were all invited to the March 13th program,  


    “Share Your Story during Women’s History Month” 

    was an opportunity to share highlights and insights from your personal and professional journey, and find connections by building your story. 

    Those who attended came away with building blocks toward the April and May programs, and a few made some surprising connections with other attendees.  

    Shared with permission:   

    I am Djenabou Bah, the Young BPW representative for the NFBPW - NYC Chapter. 

    I am the founder of Getaway Xpeditions, a travel agency dedicated to creating unforgettable journeys for everyone! 

    Through my passion for both food and travel, I aim to connect people, create lasting memories, and enrich lives—one plate and one journey at a time. Learn more about Djenabou Bah by visiting her profile in the Member Directory.   


    I'm Nancy Werner. 

    I'm the PA Affiliate President, your 2024 National Biennial Chair and a 52-year member.  

    Ironton Telephone/Internet Company is one of 200 independent telephone companies in the US - started by my grandfather in 1905.  With my sisters Pat Stewart (CEO) and Sonia Fink, we have the distinction of being the only woman-led company of its kind today. 

    Learn more about Nancy by visiting her profile in the Member Directory. 

    This is Kara LC Jones. 

    She's part of the Virtual Club and lives in WA state. 

    Pretty much 24/7 she's all about raising grief literacy skills and practices her grief+creativity heARTwork at The Creative Grief Studio."

    Learn more about Kara by visiting her profile in the Member Directory.  


    This is Marsha Riibner-Cady. She is the NFBPWC-NC Club President and the Entrepreneur and Small Business Committee Chair. Her business is Cady CPR Solutions where she is the lead CPR and First Aid trainer.

    Learn more about Marsha by visiting her profile in the Member Directory.

    I’m Denise Stepanik – I am creating a new business offering tours and transportation for tourists visiting the Southwestern portion of Pennsylvania.  My mission:  revealing hidden gems in our area and fostering prosperity for historical, archeological, anthropological, entertainment, natural and lodging sites. 

    Former Fed and Fayette County Employee in the Talent Management and Human Capital fields. 

    Expert in job and competency analysis and in applying standards to determine pay comparable to other work in a similar population.

    Learn more about Denise by visiting her profile in the Member Directory. 

    This is Barbara Bozeman.  She’s your Virtual Club President. 

    Every month she’s all about business (Vice Chair of the Entrepreneur & Small Business Committee) and her job is shooting dogs with her Canon.  

    Learn more about Barbara by visiting her profile in the Member Directory

    Be sure to visit these profiles through our Member Directory – open only to NFBPWC members.  

    It’s never too late to participate.  Contact your ESB team and we can walk you through the Share Your Story program. 

    Email Marsha and Barbara at:  

    Upcoming Programs! 

    Sharing Your Story is a precursor to not just one, but the next two upcoming programs. 




    More below about Marcy and this fabulous presentation:  

    Sign up for these and many other upcoming events by visiting the website 

    Be sure to check out the  NFBPWC Entrepreneur & Small Business (ESB) Committee

    page on the website, and the Blog Page for NFBPWC, as well as the NFBPWC Facebook page(s), and the NFBPWC Marketplace page.   


    ESB Page - 

    Blog Post - 

    NFBPWC FB -     

    NFBPWC Marketplace  - 

    Marsha Riibner-Cady – Chair Barbara Bozeman – Vice Chair  

    Annie Easley (April 23, 1933 – June 25, 2011) 

    “I just have my own attitude.  

    I’m out here to get the job done, and I knew I had the ability to do it, and that’s where my focus was.” 



    Computer Scientist 

    In 1955, Easley began her career as a “human computer,” doing computations for researchers. This involved analyzing problems and doing calculations by hand. Her earliest work involved running simulations for the newly planned Plum Brook Reactor Facility. When hired, she was one of only four African-American employees at the Lab. In a 2001 interview she said that she had never set out to be a pioneer. “I just have my own attitude. I’m out here to get the job done, and I knew I had the ability to do it, and that’s where my focus was.” Even in the face of discrimination, she persevered. “My head is not in the sand. But my thing is, if I can’t work with you, I will work around you. I was not about to be [so] discouraged that I’d walk away. That may be a solution for some people, but it’s not mine.” 

    (excerpt from 

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Equal Participation of Women and Men in Power and Decision-Making Roles.

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