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Environment & Sustainable Development Blog

  • 2 Nov 2023 1:05 PM | Kemi Oyebade (Administrator)

    By: Laurie Dameron
    BPW Colorado Chair of Environmental and Sustainable Development Dear Business and Professional Women colleagues

    I will be stepping down from being BPW Colorado Chair of Environmental and Sustainable Development. It’s been a privilege and honor to serve BPW, humankind, all creatures, and our beautiful planet for so many years! I feel it’s time for some new energy and direction. I’ve tried very hard to find a replacement. If you have anyone in mind, please do let me know. I have a “Job Description” document I can send to anyone interested.

    Just to mention one of many perks of the job was getting to represent BPW Colorado and NFBPWC at the 2017 BPW International Congress in Cairo, Egypt. We met women from all around the world! My colleagues and I stayed an extra week and sailed the Nile River with Luxor Sail the Nile owned by our BPW Germany colleague. It was truly the trip of a lifetime!

    My “Green News” and “Simple Actions” may be coming to an end as well. I am making a final attempt with the

    below document and have sent it out to all the Aides for Representatives and Senators at the Colorado capital. I will also be sending this to any other people or organizations that have a newsletter or regular e communications and also to news and media.

    Please feel free to use the following as a template or edit it to use in sending any other persons or organizations that you are connected to.

    Hello to my Colorado Representatives and Senators,

    First of all, thank you for all you do to make our world a better place!

    Psychologists have come up with a term "Eco Anxiety." With all the climate disasters in the news every day folks are feeling the impacts of climate change. I believe by focusing on solutions, folks will feel empowered like there's something they can do instead of feeling despair and helplessness of our situation on this beautiful planet.

    I've been thinking of ways to address climate change as we need to take drastic action. I'm sure you are aware of the seriousness of our situation and that humanity (and all species) are at stake.

    I started sending eco-suggestions out when I was motivated in the aftermath of the Marshall Fire that occurred in Boulder County, Colorado, where I reside. Over one thousand homes burned, and thousands of people lost everything. I am still affected with PTSD even though it’s been nearly two years ago.

    As an organization or person sending out regular e-communications, you have the opportunity to reach many people. I'm urging you to include the "simple action" of the day, or week, or month in your communications.

    For example, the majority of regular citizens don't know many simple things, including that idling their cars puts out a lot more CO2 than when driving, and lack the knowledge about phantom or vampire energy. YOU can help educate people.

    Almost every day in the news, I read or hear of yet another climate disaster. But what about solutions?

    Wouldn’t it be great if your newsletters and news outlets and media helped us to do that by sharing a

    simple environmental action of the day? For example:

    • Don’t allow your car to idle

    • Avoid using drive-throughs

    • Have no-drive days every week

    • Shop and bank locally and divest from big banks that support oil and gas

    • Turn down the heat

    • Turn off lights when you leave a room

    • Use power strips and leave off when not in use to fight “vampire energy”

    • Minimize using single-use plastics

    • Bring your own cup to your coffee shop

    • Use a reusable water bottle wherever you go

    • Strive for zero waste

    • Hang-line dry clothes

    • Join Climate Citizens Lobby

    • Get the Climate Action Now CAN app (spend only 5 minutes a day to send emails to companies that are harming the planet or supporting oil and gas such as big banks. CAN provides the text and email addresses all one needs to do is click send)

    There are SO many actions we can take. They may be small changes but can add up to make a big difference. I can send you a list of simple actions with links that are ready to send. (All you need to do is add a text box to your newsletter).

    Switching to renewable energies, transitioning to regenerative agriculture practices, and passing legislation such as the Green New Deal, and a carbon pricing bill, are really important. However, these things take time

    -- time we don’t have. I feel that every citizen needs to be environmentally educated and be part of the


    I think Colorado Governor Polis and President Biden missed a huge opportunity to reach millions of households when they gave speeches for the Marshall Fire press conference which aired on television in January of 2022. They spoke at great length on the many climate disasters that are increasing but barely a word about solutions.

    I urge our elected officials and others to use media opportunities to an advantage.

    I believe what the EPA says: “Over 40% of our greenhouse gases come from the way products are extracted, produced, transported, used, and even disposed of. Striving for Zero Waste is one of the quickest and easiest ways to address climate change and build healthy communities.”

    I also agree with Bill McKibben when he said: “We're under attack from climate change — and our only hope is to mobilize like we did in WWII.”

    Again, thank you again for all you do and your time here. We can make this happen! I look forward to hearing from you!


    Laurie Dameron Climate Reality Leader

    Chair of Environmental and Sustainable Development BPW Colorado


    To sign up for Laurie’s monthly music and “Green News,” write to Or visit

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  • 2 Nov 2023 1:00 PM | Kemi Oyebade (Administrator)

    By:  Marikay Shellman, BPW Colorado Virtual Chair
    NFBPWC Environment and Sustainable Development Committee (2022-2024)

    Many of us are feeling overwhelmed by the immense weight of news about Climate Change. To add a lift to our spirits, I thought I’d write about the amazing annual journey of the Monarch butterflies. Between August & October, North American monarchs migrate south. Most monarchs who spent summer months west of the Rocky Mountains migrate to California coastal areas while those monarchs who breed in the east migrate to Mexico.

    • Coasting on air currents these migrating monarchs can travel up to 100 miles in one day, a total of 2500 to 3000 miles to reach their winter sites. We can’t see these migration patterns from the ground as they often fly at elevations of 800 t0 1200 feet high.

    • Scientists theorize that monarchs must use cues like sunlight & magnetism to navigate directionally, because none of these fall migrating monarchs have ever been to their destination before. When they head north in the spring, they will breed & die.

    • While a monarch’s lifespan is 2 to 6 weeks, a migrating monarch’s lifespan is 9 months. This lifespan is spent migrating south, clustering in large groups to survive the winter, migrating north, and breeding in the spring.

    • Some species of monarchs don’t migrate, such as those monarchs living in southern Florida. Scientists are

    still studying- is because of the milder winters or genetics or both.

    • Much of the data about migrating monarchs is from community scientists who have been tracking, counting and photographing monarchs for decades. Anyone can be involved. Contact Xerces Society to be a community scientist to help with research of these beautiful animals.

    Remember to LEAVE the LEAVES!

    Most insects & invertebrates spend their winter right where they spent all summer. They rely on fallen leaves and other organic debris to cover and insulate them from the winter weather. Before you rake or blow those leaves, remember these are resources for nests and overwintering habitat.

  • 2 Nov 2023 12:50 PM | Kemi Oyebade (Administrator)

    By:  Marikay Shellman, BPW Colorado Virtual Chair

    NFBPWC Environment and Sustainable Development Committee (2022-2024)

    Simple Acts: Recycling the Correct Way

    Despite being taught to recycle everything, everything cannot be recycled. About 30% of what ends up in our recycling containers doesn’t belong there. Contaminated materials being tossed into recycling bins are causing recycling centers to dispose waste by the truckloads to landfills. Some simple recycling Do’s and Don’tsA green recycle symbol surrounded by garbage Description automatically generated

    1. Don’t be a “Wish-cycler”. While tossing items like shoes, bicycle tires, old garden hoses, Styrofoam coolers, & plastic toys into the recycling bin might be done with the best intentions, these bad recycling habits are counterproductive. “Wish-cycling”, tossing non-recyclable materials into recycling bins, adds financial expense & labor to every system in the world. Someone has to manually pull these things off the conveyor belt & send them to the landfill. What can be recycled varies from community to community depending  upon  how  far  away processors are located. When in doubt call your local recycling facility or throw it out.

    2. Do recycle all clean, dry paper & paper board products. Shredded paper can be recycled in paper bags, but not loose. Don’t recycle any soiled or coated or sticky paper, examples being envelopes with a clear plastic windows or sticky notes. Cracker, cereal, cookie boxes are okay as are the non-greasy side of pizza boxes. Rinsed out milk & juice containers are dependent upon where you live. Used coffee cups are a no-no!

    3. Empty, clean & dry should be your household motto. Food residue of any kind, just one empty jar of peanut butter can contaminate an entire truckload of recyclables. Aluminum soda cans & tin cans can be recycled if they are empty, clean & dry. (I put mine through the dishwasher.) Aluminum foil with food stuck to it, bottle caps, soda can tabs & razor blades should never be recycled. Once again, when in doubt, throw it out!

    4. Don’t recycle anything smaller than a credit card. Small items like bottle caps or tiny pieces of paper can become stuck in recycling processing machines.

    5. Try the “poke test” with plastics- if you can press your finger through the plastic, it doesn’t belong in the recycling bin. Sandwich bags, plastic wrap, plastic grocery bags, produce bags, newspaper bags, & most cereal bags do not belong in the recycle bin.

    6. Whether it’s broken window glass or a broken beer bottle, never put broken glass into your recycling bin. It can clog machinery and/or be dangerous for employees handling recycling.

    7. Don’t assume all plastic is single-stream recyclable. The number inside the triangle of chasing arrows, called Resin Identification Codes, were not designed for consumers, but rather for processors to bale recycling materials with consistency. Ignore the numbers & recycle single-use rigid cleaned plastic containers only: water, salad dressing & shampoo bottles.

    While almost anything is technically recyclable, processors need to have enough of a homogenous material supply to make it worth their cost for labor, space & marketability. Recycling is based on supply and demand. Processors need to be able to purchase materials and break them down for reuse at a cost that will sufficiently pay for labor & transportation and still make a profit for them.

  • 1 Oct 2023 12:45 PM | Kemi Oyebade (Administrator)

    By: Laurie Dameron
    BPW Colorado Chair of Environmental and Sustainable Development

    Another Way to Cut Down on Single-Use Plastics!

    Along with your reusable shopping bags in your car, keep small containers for leftovers at restaurants.  Since most places use Styrofoam, which is very bad for the planet and is not only not recyclable but takes years to decompose and has many harmful chemicals, your simple action can make a huge difference!  Even if a restaurant uses other plastics and even compostables, it’s still “single use.”  And it encourages more plastic to be produced or uses paper made from trees.  

    If I’m going out for Chinese, I know I’m going to have leftovers and take Tupperware or glassware with.


    To sign up for Laurie’s monthly music and “Green News,” write to

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  • 1 Oct 2023 12:40 PM | Kemi Oyebade (Administrator)

    By: Marikay Shellman
    BPW Colorado Virtual Chair, NFBPWC Environment and Sustainable Development Committee (2022-2024)

    Simple Act: “Do a whole lot of nothing”

    I was amused to read this headline: “Don’t you dare rake your leaves this fall.” by Dana Milbank, author who typically writes satirical political articles.  A recent transplant to country living, he was perplexed to find few pesky bugs bothering him.  After spending years trying to destroy the bug populations in his city yard- citronella tiki torches, garlic-based repellents, fogging screened in porches, & resorting to chemical insecticides- he learned from entomologists that cities & suburbs, due to abundant use of insecticides & destruction of habitat, have created “insect wastelands.”  In the country (& wilderness) the eco-system is in better balance with birds & frogs, snakes, fish & spiders keeping insect pests in check.  “The problem isn’t that we have too many bugs in cities & suburbs: the problem is that we don’t have nearly enough.  We’ve been so successful at vanquishing the little critters that the entire insect world is in big trouble…”   The insect population is declining by 1-2% per year leading to the loss of 1/3 of the insect population by 2040 according to Scott Black of Xerces Society for Invertebrate Conservation.  Our entire food chain is dependent upon insects for crop pollination.  We are already seeing the decline of bird & mammal populations.  

    • Allow your lawn to be shaggy, leaving it at least 4” high for overwintering.  Cutting your lawn too low in the fall weakens the grass and makes it vulnerable to dry and cold weather.

    • Don’t rake & bag your leaves, allow them to nourish the soil as they decompose and help protect your lawn & shrubs from harsh winter & spring conditions.  Leaves provide habitat for insects.

    • Don’t cut back your perennials or deadhead your flowers.  Not only will the stems provide nesting for insects, perennials have more resiliency when their stems are left to overwinter.  

    • Don’t use pesticides which include fertilizers.  Pesticides kill beneficial insects, one key example being caterpillars which are an essential protein for many birds.  Many pesticides are approved by the EPA despite the harm they pose to insects.  Testing occurs only using the European honeybee, not the more sensitive native bee, butterflies, moths, lightening bugs, or other invertebrates.  The combination of chemicals used in the “real world” can be much more toxic.  

    • Turn off exterior lights at night.  

    So do a whole lot of nothing & allow your yard to be shaggy.  You’ll be helping out a whole lot of insects.

  • 1 Oct 2023 12:35 PM | Kemi Oyebade (Administrator)

    By: Megan Shellman-Rickard
    BPW Colorado Virtual Chair, NFBPWC Environment and Sustainable Development Committee (2022-2024)

    Simple Acts: Eco-Friendly Menstrual Products

    A collage of menstrual pads and a flower Description automatically generated

    Menstruation is a natural and essential process. While we can't avoid it, we can certainly choose the products we use during our periods. Most menstruators rely on disposable menstrual pads and tampons, which are not only harmful to the environment but can also be harmful to our health. 

    Eco-friendly menstrual products are those that are made from sustainable and biodegradable materials. These products are free from chemicals and toxins that can harm the environment and our bodies. Eco-friendly menstrual products include menstrual cups, cloth pads, and period panties. Unlike disposable products, they are reusable and can last up to ten years with proper care. In addition, there are disposable menstrual products that are produced with organic materials that are made in a more sustainable manner and without harmful chemicals, toxins, and plastics.

    There are many benefits of using reusable, eco-friendly menstrual products. They are cost-effective in the long run. Traditional disposable products may seem more affordable, but you must keep buying them every month and there is a cost to both your body and the environment. Conversely, eco-friendly reusable products only need to be bought once and can last years. Most eco-friendly menstrual products are healthier for our bodies simply because they do not contain chemicals and toxins. Many options are also more comfortable to wear and can reduce the risk of infections.

    Disposable menstrual products, especially those with plastic applicators and wrappers, have a huge environmental impact. They contribute to landfill waste, plastic pollution, and deforestation. Research has shown that an average woman uses up to 11,000 disposable menstrual products in her lifetime. That's a lot of waste, much of which takes hundreds of years to decompose. Eco-friendly, disposable menstrual products do not contribute as heavily to environmental degradation as they are biodegradable and require less resources to manufacture. Some reusable products, with proper care, can last up to 10 years.

    Choosing the right eco-friendly menstrual product can be a daunting task. You must consider your flow, lifestyle, and comfort. Menstrual cups are perfect for women with a heavy flow as they can hold more blood. Cloth pads are ideal for women who prefer a more traditional option and don't mind washing them after use. Period panties have the added benefit of not requiring any additional products. They are perfect for women who have a moderate flow. Sustainably manufactured disposable products are a simple way to make a difference by using less plastics and items that biodegrade much faster. Making the switch to eco-friendly menstrual products is not as difficult as it seems. Start small and try out different products until you find the right one for you. Research the brands that prioritize sustainability and choose one that aligns with your values and budget.

    Click here for resources about eco-friendly menstrual products:

  • 1 Sep 2023 7:22 PM | Kemi Oyebade (Administrator)

    Zero Waste Initiative

    By:Laurie Dameron, BPW Colorado Chair of Environmental and Sustainable Development

    A bottle of dishwashing liquid next to a sink Description automatically generatedCut Down Plastics Use

    Choose glass or aluminum whenever possible but when those are not available you can cut down your plastics usage simply by purchasing the largest plastic container and refilling the smaller container to use over and over!  

    Thank you!  


    To sign up for Laurie’s monthly music and “Green News,” write to

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  • 1 Sep 2023 7:12 PM | Kemi Oyebade (Administrator)

    Bring Back the Pollinators

    By: Marikay Shellman, BPW Colorado Virtual 

    Chair, NFBPWC Environment and Sustainable Development Committee (2022-2024)

    Soil Health is a Climate Solution.  While we all know that pesticides kill pollinators, fertilizer application causes widespread harm to soil health killing a wide world of soil invertebrates that live below our feet. In the Farming with Soil Health webinar, I was reminded of basics of Soil Invertebrates: Only 2% of insects are harmful, 40% of invertebrate pollinator species are at risk of extinction, and By minimizing disturbance, maximizing biodiversity in planting Native plants that bloom throughout the season, & Creating species habitat by leaving the leaves & stems & some dead branches or logs, we develop Soil Health.  

    (Photo courtesy of Xerces Society.)

    What fascinates me are the invertebrates living in the soil- 25% of total diversity in life is found in soil! Fungi & Bacteria, Protozoa, Rotifers, Tardigrades, Nematodes, Potworms, Earthworms, all the Arthropods (Springtails, Woodlice, Millipedes, Centipedes, Spiders, Mites) and Insects such as Flies (Crane Flies, Moth Flies, Snake Flies, Dance Flies, March Flies, Flower Flies) and Beetles (Soldier Beetles, Fireflies, Tiger Beetles, Ground Beetles, Rove Beetles, Burying Beetles, Dung Beetles, Ants, Ground Nesting Bees, Wasps, Scarab Hunting Wasps)- all are Decomposers.  These animals tunnel and burrow in the soil, bringing subsoil to the surface, hydrating and aerating the soil.  As I learned about these amazing creatures, such as Millipedes can live up to 11 years and Woodlice (“rolly-pollies”) nurse their young and are good for detecting metals, and spiders are useful diggers, I was amazed by how many of these invertebrates live in leaf litter, under stones, overwinter in soil & under bark.  

    Tardigrades live in leaf litter & within soil & are great scavengers & predators eating bacteria, fungi, algae.  

    Not only does healthy soil filter & purify our water, reduce flooding, and provide greater crop yields and thus food production, it plays a crucial role in capturing and storing large amounts of carbon.  Healthy Soil is second only to oceans as a carbon sink, surpassing forests, reducing the impact of Climate Change.  Healthy Soil is a win-win for sustainability and for the human species.

  • 1 Aug 2023 11:14 AM | Megan Shellman-Rickard (Administrator)

    Bring Back the Pollinators by Marikay Shellman

    Summer is well upon us & your gardens should have signs of active beneficial insects such as few holes in a leaf or flower, a yellow stem.  These are signs of insects thriving in a micro ecosystem.   If you have planted native plants which are well adapted to the environment from which they came, they are less likely to be victim to pests.  Rest assured that if you see pests, predators are nearby.   Example: a lady beetle devouring an aphid.

    Wonderful bugs to welcome into your garden are ground beetles who hide during the day just below the ground surface & emerge at night to feast on dozens of pests, slugs & snails & non-native spongy moths.

    All bee species pollinate berries, fruits, nuts, and seeds including wasps which not only are important pollinators but also predators of garden pests.  Don’t be so quick to get rid of these beneficial insects.

    Syrphid flies, also known as flower flies, look a lot like bees.  Not only are they great pollinators, the syrphid fly larvae can devour several hundred aphids before entering its pupal stage.

    While you should rid your garden of invasive non-native weeds, leave your native plant beds a bit on the unmanaged, wild side which will provide food and nesting habitat for pollinators.  Beware of mulch.  Colored or rubber mulch is toxic to pollinators & heavy mulch blocks the ground for soil nesting bees.

    Remember that the vast majority of insects are not pests.  That caterpillar that is devouring a juicy leaf in your garden will turn into a beautiful butterfly or moth.

  • 1 May 2023 3:57 PM | Megan Shellman-Rickard (Administrator)

    By: Marikay Shellman, BPW Colorado Virtual Member

    We are grateful to Candace Fallon, Senior Conservation Biologist Xerces Society, for her excellent Earth Day presentation, Fireflies: Conserving the Jewels of the Night.  With so much information in her presentation, I thought I would review some of the most important facts for NFBPWC members to remember and to act upon. 

    Fireflies are in trouble, threatened by 6 negative impacts:

    • Habitat Loss,
    • Light Pollution,
    • Pesticide Use,
    • Degradation of Water Quality,
    • Invasive Species, and
    • Climate Change.

    The most important thing we can do to help these magical insects is to give Fireflies shelter that is free from pesticides, mowing, and trampling.  They need moisture, clean fresh water with native vegetation in which they can burrow, and eat snails, slugs, and earthworms.  Don’t over tidy in your rush for Spring clean-up.

    Those leaves that you left last fall need to stay on the ground providing moisture in the soil & shelter for insects.  Rather than using bark mulch, use those leaves as mulch.  Don’t rake or leaf blow.  Refrain from mowing as female fireflies spend most of their time on the ground first as larvae & then laying eggs and mower blades are devastating.  Males use taller grasses and dried plant forbs as resting places.  Unkempt areas in your yard and garden, downed logs & leaf litter are ideal. 

    As you head to your nursery, ask for pesticide-free native plants, including asters, goldenrods, & milkweed.  Native brushy shrubs will add diversity in heights for perches for fireflies. 

    We all need to reduce night light pollution.  Fireflies and many other insects and birds need dark skies.  Limit your outdoor lighting to areas only necessary like sidewalks & patios.  Where you must have lighting, use dim red lights and motion detectors.  Join International Dark-Sky Association.

    What we can all do is advocate and educate.




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